Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kopitiam @ Hougang Festival Market

The cost of a simple meal seems to be skyrocketing! Today, a no-fuss lunch for 4 at the food court set us back by over $20.

FT had a western food craving and ordered some Fish and Chips ($6.90). Pretty expensive, considering that the average price for this is about $5.50. Thakfully, the serving was rather generous, with a crispy slab of fried fish fillet, baked beans, a fried egg and some fries.

Not too bad a dish, though the fish was a little dry. The salad was pathetic, just a few leaves of lettuce. They should have just given a scoop of coleslaw.

Afer last night's dinner I ordered some Yong Tau Foo soup. Boring, but I wanted something light to eat. ($3 for min 5 pieces). Soup was tasty and I selected mainly vegetables for my meal.

JT ordered a plate of his usual chicken rice. For $3.50, the stall gave quite a generous serving. The hawkers are friendly and are accommodating to special orders too. I noticed a fleshy piece of chicken butt on JT's plate but had no heart to point it out to him. Otherwise, the entire dish would have gone to waste. PT ordered some rice dish that came in a small mini wok. Unfortunately, as I had gone to collect the fish and chips, the 2 hungry chaps went for the food  before I had a chance to take any pictures.

Still feeling peckish, PT ordered some fried dumplings (jiao zi) ($4 for 8 pieces). This is one dish I enjoy, not so much because of the dumpling itself, but rather the mix of ginger, vinegar and dumpling yields a zesty burst of flavour that just leaves you wanting for more.

The Jiao Zi filing was tasty and moist, but the skin was a little too thick. I also prefer a more chewy wrapping rather than the crispy, fried one that we had.

Still can't get my macro shots right...need more practice (and more excuses to eat!)

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