Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Surprise Lunch

Guess what? We had a surprise pot luck at work today. At 12.00pm, a bevy of yummy dishes miraculously appeared on the table. FANTASTIC! All I can say is that my colleagues are fabulous cooks.

The homemade Pineapple Rice was sweet and fragrant and its yellow saffron shade was so attractive.

Now, this Vegetable Curry carried a real kick. Who would have thought that a meatless curry could taste so good? Filled the potatoes, fresh lady's fingers and an assortment of vegetables, it was tasty and filling. Best of all, the gravy was thick and not at all oily. I spooned ladles of it over the Pineapple Rice.

The Fried Been Hoon was refreshingly light and the sliced vegetables gave it a nice textured crunch.

What's a party without Satay and Otak? These 2 favourites were bought from Jalan Kayu. The otak was spicy and had big chunks of seafood.

The famous Polar Swiss Rolls were bought for dessert, but I was too stuffed to eat them. Didn't matter though, they were perfect for tea.

What a wonderful meal and what great colleagues!

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