Saturday, December 19, 2009

Macau Day 2 (Lunch @ Zhuhai Part 1)

We're off to Zhuhai, China for makan and shopping. The Zhuhai area that's adjacent to the Macau northern border is called the Gongbei District. When we passed immigration, this was the sight that greeted us.  Zhuhai is a modern town, with high end condominiums and many office buildings.

Just beneath that sprawling courtyard is a huge 2-storey underground shopping mall. Goods from electronics to clothing to accessories to food are sold. The quality of the goods is not bad, almost comparable to what one can get in shopping malls. Prices are unbelievably low but be prepared to bargain insanely, slashing 60% off whatever price is quoted.

The highlight of the trip was lunch at Wanchai seafood district. It's an entire street lined with seafood restaurants and an outdoor seafood market. You go to the market, pick your live seafood and select a restaurant to have your meal. Selecting live lobsters, sea urchins, abalones at rock bottom prices is an experience I definitely won't forget.

These guys were active and kicking...come to Mummy!

It was hairy crabs and sea urchins galore! Stall after stall displayed these live critters and the stallholders were aggressively trying to get us to buy them.

We couldn't wait to plonk ourselves down at a restaurant and begin our seafood feast.

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