First the freshly opened sea urchins, all briny and quivering. Taken with a dip of lemon and soya sauce, they tasted wonderful.
The abalones were served in oyster sauce. Personally, I've always felt that abalones are over-rated. They are basically tasteless mussels, taking on the flavour of whatever soup or gravy that they were cooked in. But since they were so cheap in Zhuhai, we thought, "What the heck! Let's go for it."
The baby Geoducks were stir-fried in garlic. The opened shells revealed flesh that was sweet and firm.
One of my favourite dishes was the deep fried yabbies. The shells were paper thin and were fried to a crisp. They cracked opened easily, yielding fresh, firm and sweet flesh.
Next came the lobster feast. First, delectable pieces of lobsters were stir fried simply in garlic with minimal seasoning to bring out the sweetness of the fresh crustraceans.
The rest of the lobster was cooked in flavourful porridge. Just look at the generous serving.
The final dish, baby octopus, was my least favourite. Caught live from the tanks and cooked in spicy bean paste gravy, I expected it to taste like jellyfish. Instead, there was a very strong cockle-like taste and an almost squishy texture that was very unpalatable to the tastebuds.
This meal for 8 set us back by S$200, an amazing price for an amazing meal.
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