Thursday, December 17, 2009

Macau Day 1 (Egg Tarts)

Woo hoo! Finally managed to try the famous Egg Tarts from Margaret's Cafe e Nata. It's a dingy little place tucked in a small alley near the Lisboa Hotel.

But the egg tarts are nothing like the ones in Singapore. They are served oven fresh and piping hot. First, the pastry is crisp and flaky, giving light little crunches with every bite. As for the egg custard, it was the creamiest and eggiest version I've ever tasted. The smooth and sweet custard practically melts and oozes in your mouth with every bite.

Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!

Margaret's Cafe e Nata
Gum Loi Building, Rua Almirante Costa Cabral

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