Sunday, December 27, 2009

Macau Day 3 (Taipa Pork Buns)

We took a side trip to Taipa today to try Macau's famous Pork Chop Buns and Crab Porridge.

Taipa is a suburban residential area without the claustrophobic chaos of the Peninsular. It possesses a laid back charm and the main street is lined with varied and interesting restaurants.

The Pork Chop Bun has been billed as a must have in Macau. Put very simply, it's a slab of pork placed between 2 slices of toasted bun with no dressing whatsoever. When I first heard about it, I wasn't too keen. The snack sounded dry and gamey. But, when I had my first bite at the Festivita Market at the Venetian, I was pleasantly surprised by how tender and flavourful it was. So it was with keen anticipation that I looked forward to the 'die die must try' pork buns in Taipa.

The buns are sold at Tai Lei Loi Kei. Everyday at 3.00pm. Again, it's a dingy, outdoor eatery. It seems to be a disturbing trend here: the more questionable the premise, the more delicious the food.

Special soft crusty bread is baked for the buns. Queues are so long that the buns are sold out by 4 plus. I was there at 11.00am, much too early to try the special buns. Nonetheless I placed a order to their regular buns just to give it a try.

I must say that the buns here beat those at the Venetian hands down. The pork is grilled to juicy perfection and the warm juices seep into the bread, doubling up as a tasty dressing. There is literally a huge piece of pork chop in between the buns.

Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei

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