Monday, January 4, 2010

Macau Day 4 (Dim Sum)

On our last day in Macau, we went all out for our Dim Sum Feast. Portas do Sol at the Lisboa Hotel serves one of the best dim sums in Macau. What differentiates this restaurant from the rest is its novel take on traditional dim sum dishes. Service is exceptional too. Tucked away in an obscure corner of the East Wing, it was a tough restaurant to fnd. Nonetheless, it's a highly popular restaurant and be prepared for a long wait if you do not make a reservation.

There were so many interesting items on the menu that we over ordered. Just look at the spread.

The most interesting dish (and one of the tastiest too) was the curry crab tartlets. Fresh crab meat was cooked in creamy delicate curry and served in crumbly little cups of sweet pastry.

The little cubes of steamed brinjal topped with seafood pate was also delicious. The heavy seasoning of the fish masqueraded the taste of the brinjal and PT, who absolutely hates brinjals, was popping the little fellows into his mouth with gusto.

Unlike to usual fried wantons, these came with a refreshing orange dip.

The roast goose was one of the best that I've ever tasted. There was a smokey intensity to the juicy meat. The waitress was concerned that the half goose that we ordered was too much for the 5 of us. Ha! I polished off almost half of the bird on my own.

Just like the East Ocean Restaurant, selected dim sums are served in cute animal shapes. One such dish is the custard bun. Shaped like little porcupines, these little creatures were almost too lovely to eat. (But we ate them anyway)

JT and FT loved the fried rice. Though it was cooked simply with mushrooms and chicken, each grain of rice was coated with flavour.

The glutinous rice was surprisingly tasty. The rectangular pieces of rices were stuffed with sweet meat filling was fried until crisp. I really enjoyed crunching through the crispy exterior and taking a mouthful of gooey rice.

This was one of the best meals we had in Macau. A great end to a fastastic holiday!

Portas do Sol
Hotel Lisboa
2/F East Wing
(853) 8803 3100

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